Seven days.

It might just be me, but I've always thought there was something poetic about the number seven. Seven days in a week, seven deadly sins, seven tears, dog years....

It's funny because I've been so much more productive and have been reading a lot more because every time I find I want to smoke a cigarette, I pick up a book. I read an entire novella today and posted a review, am on the verge of finishing another book, and have a whole stack of books that I can still read sitting to the right of me.

I don't think I've read this much since I was pregnant with my oldest daughter... lol, gee, wonder what happened?

It feels nice to feel like I have enough time to do the things I want to do. I was constantly feeling like I couldn't get everything done. Who knew it was because I was spending so much time inhaling smoke?


Day 5 Without Cigarettes



I keep getting Tori Amos stuck in my head. "She's addicted to nicotine patches...."

Aside from that, the days have been good. I'm way more productive now that I don't smoke that it's almost ridiculous. I have more energy, more focus... I feel like my brain is finally working better again.

This is fantastic news because I can finally really write again! Hooray!!!

Now for the bad news. I locked myself out of my e-mail and forgot my purse at a friend's last night, so now I don't have my anti-depressants.... BUT she's dropping off my purse and I already contacted Hotmail to let them know what's up. I just have to wait a little while for now, but after checking my list of things I didn't finish yesterday, I realized I can do all of that without my e-mail, so... more good news =).

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